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Sign up to our generous rewards program ‘Workwear Loyalty Rewards’ to start earning points on every order. Every £1 you spend, we give back 5p in points for your next orders.

Get rewarded even before you’ve even made a purchase, 100 points (£5) are given when you create an account!

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2 |  Start earning points

With our generous point system, Earn points every time you shop, refer us to friends, follow us on social, give feedback on your favourite products. Each £1 you spend with us you get 1 point, each point is worth 5p.

For every £100 you spend, you get 100 points worth £5 for your next order.

3 |  Redeem Rewards

Every order means you’ve saved on the next one. You can go to your account and convert your points to a coupon. Enter the coupon code at checkout.